Saturday, November 8, 2014

I am sexy and I love gaming :D

Hello, long time no see, I had alot of exams these days so you will pardon me for that :D. Here in this blogpost there is a little suprise picture for you which won't be posted on facebook :* .

It's me - my body system and my ass :P if you like comment and let me know what would you do beside me on this beach? :D I'm just kidding... What I want to show you today - my hobby, guess what happens I enjoy doing on my own free time? It's gaming, I like lol, wow and also other games, these are my favourite ones, thanks God to learn these games I don't need good pc...

Gosh I would love to have good gaming computer, with geforce GTF 980, that you will find amazing...

Thank you again for reading my blog, feel free to comment and suggest what I should blog about next or suggest me a game :* Have a nice day everyone

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Movie Recommendation : The Wolf of Wall street

You might have known or might have not but I really like watching movies. Just yesterday I watched this awesome movie and it was really really good( did not feel the 2 hours passing at all!). I recommend you all to watch it. Movie with Leonardo diCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese.

It has 8.3 rating on IMDB which is decent :)
Here you can watch the trailer

If you haven't watched it yet don't wait! Go watch it.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Just a quick selfie :D

Hello again :D . I was really busy the past two days so I couldn't post any blog updates. Here is a quick selfie to remember me :D. What do you think about selifes? Personally I love them!
See you tomorrow in my next post.
Love, Alison

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Butt shapes

 Did you know that butts can have different shapes and can tell some things about a person?
They can be V shaped, heart, square and round or like in the picture: apple,pear,cherry,heart.
I never thought about mine, which type it is, but I think it is close to round or cherry.

Most of them I like the round and heart and I think those are the best shapes because others don't look so good.
Which one do you love the most?

Here you can see the shapes that a butt can have.

Thank you for reading my blog. More to come soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Last Saturday

Here are some pictures I took last Saturday, it was a great sunny day.

In the morning I spent some time in my pool. I use that time to think and plan my whole day.
What do you think of it?Is it a good way to spend time in a pool?

Then I was hanging out with my friends at a cafeteria next to my house. We mostly talk about fashion gym and boys we like haha ;)

And the part I like the most, night life. Here is a picture I took before going out.

Thank you for reading this and I will be posting some pictures I took while I was on vacation so stay tuned. See you and have a nice day :* <3

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Hi, ;)
Thanks for visiting my blog, as you know I'm Alison Davis, girl from facebook :p

it's me :) I think you recognized this photo, it's my fb profile picture <3

You see I never thought that I'll become so popular in facebook, I just posted for fun in one add me group, and look here I'm writing my blog :D I couldn't imagine that someone will read it, I remember 3 years ago I didn't look like now, it was hard to get here, where I'm now, it means a lot of to me.

Taking pictures like this, oh my God I feel so great that I can do this.. Photography is one of the things I love the most
I'm happy how I look and I'm not afraid of showing it to everyone, some will like it, some will not. I just hope that we can have fun and enjoy together. I will be posting also special pictures only on the blog so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading my post :) I will update my blog every day ;)